Steps to goal Success – Dare to Dream

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Stop living small and implement some steps to goal success – dare to dream. Reach your potential. Stop making excuses. Stay motivated and avoid procrastination. Have faith in knowing that you will get there. Make and keep goals.

We have all lived in a state of procrastination at some time in our lives. Let me help you learn the art of goal setting where you can set and keep those goals. There will be free introductory sessions throughout the year. In these sessions, you will learn what to expect in this class. See events for further information.

Motivation Setting your Priorities Wheel of Life Unconditional Dreams and Desires Identify your Goals Have a Big Enough Reason Believe you can Achieve it Change Your Power Your Beliefs Procrastinations and the Pleasure/Pain Principle Plan for Success The Importance of Outcomes The 30-60-365 Goal Setting Plan Monthly Check In Create Accountability Massive Action and Assessing Results Stay Motivated Celebrate!!